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2024-04-12 06:35:37 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
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var config = {
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'id': e.id,
'created': e.created
}).catch((err) => { console.log(err); })
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// const artalk = d.data.map(function (e) {
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// 'id': 'atk-comment-' + e.id,
// 'created': e.date,
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// renderer(artalk)
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'barrageBlogger': e.email_encrypted === config.mailMd5,
'id': 'atk-comment-' + e.id,
'created': e.date,
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const loadWaline = () => {
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count: 50
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const walineArray = comments.map(e => {
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'comment': changeContents(e.comment),
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'nick': e.nick,
'url': e.url,
'barrageBlogger': e.type === 'administrator',
'id': e.objectId,
'created': e.insertedAt,
}).catch((err) => { console.log(err); })
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else getScript(GLOBAL_CONFIG.source.waline.js).then(loadWaline)
function getTitle(url) {
let a = articles.find(a => a.path == url)
if (a) return a.title
return '该文章/页面不存在'
function renderer(data) {
let html = "";
data.forEach(item => {
const a = new Date(item.created),
c = `${a.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2)}-${a.getMonth() + 1}-${a.getDate()} ${a.getHours()}:${a.getMinutes()}:${a.getSeconds()}`;
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content = content.substring(0, 150) + '...'
return content
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