var btf = { // 修改时间显示"最近" diffDateExact: function(d, more = false) { const dateNow = new Date(); const datePost = new Date(d); const dateDiff = dateNow.getTime() - datePost.getTime(); const minute = 1000 * 60; const hour = minute * 60; const day = hour * 24; const month = day * 30; let result; if (more) { const monthCount = dateDiff / month; const dayCount = dateDiff / day; const hourCount = dateDiff / hour; const minuteCount = dateDiff / minute; if (monthCount >= 1) { result = datePost.toLocaleDateString().replace(/\//g, "-"); } else if (dayCount >= 1) { result = parseInt(dayCount) + " " +; } else if (hourCount >= 1) { result = parseInt(hourCount) + " " + GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.hour; } else if (minuteCount >= 1) { result = parseInt(minuteCount) + " " + GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.min; } else { result = GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.just; } } else { result = parseInt(dateDiff / day); } return result; }, loadLightbox: ele => { const jqLoadAndRun = () => { const $fancyboxEle = GLOBAL_CONFIG.lightbox === 'fancybox' ? ele : [] const fbLengthNoZero = $fancyboxEle.length > 0 if (fbLengthNoZero) { btf.isJqueryLoad(() => { fbLengthNoZero && addFancybox($fancyboxEle) }) } } /** * fancybox */ const addFancybox = function(ele) { const runFancybox = (ele) => { ele.each(function(i, o) { const $this = $(o) const lazyloadSrc = $this.attr('data-lazy-src') || $this.attr('src') const dataCaption = $this.attr('alt') || '' $this.wrap( `` ) }) $().fancybox({ selector: '[data-fancybox]', loop: true, transitionEffect: 'slide', protect: true, buttons: ['slideShow', 'fullScreen', 'thumbs', 'close'], hash: false }) } if (typeof $.fancybox === 'undefined') { // $('head').append(``) $.getScript(`${GLOBAL_CONFIG.source.fancybox.js}`, function() { runFancybox($(ele)) }) } else { runFancybox($(ele)) } } jqLoadAndRun() }, debounce: function(func, wait, immediate) { let timeout return function() { const context = this const args = arguments const later = function() { timeout = null if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args) } const callNow = immediate && !timeout clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait) if (callNow) func.apply(context, args) } }, throttle: function(func, wait, options) { let timeout, context, args let previous = 0 if (!options) options = {} const later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : new Date().getTime() timeout = null func.apply(context, args) if (!timeout) context = args = null } const throttled = function() { const now = new Date().getTime() if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now const remaining = wait - (now - previous) context = this args = arguments if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = null } previous = now func.apply(context, args) if (!timeout) context = args = null } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining) } } return throttled }, sidebarPaddingR: () => { const innerWidth = window.innerWidth const clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth const paddingRight = innerWidth - clientWidth if (innerWidth !== clientWidth) { = paddingRight + 'px' } }, snackbarShow: (text, showActionFunction = false, duration = 2000, actionText = false) => { const { position, bgLight, bgDark } = GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar; const bg = document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-theme") === "light" ? bgLight : bgDark; const root = document.querySelector(":root");"--heo-snackbar-time", duration + "ms");{ text: text, backgroundColor: bg, onActionClick: showActionFunction, actionText: actionText, showAction: actionText, duration: duration, pos: position, customClass: "snackbar-css", }); }, initJustifiedGallerys: function(selector) { selector.forEach((function(t) { btf.isHidden(t) || fjGallery(t, { itemSelector: ".fj-gallery-item", rowHeight: 240, gutter: 4, onJustify: function() { this.$ = "1" } }) })) document.querySelectorAll('#article-container .loadings')[0]?.classList.remove("loadings"); }, diffDate: (d, more = false) => { const dateNow = new Date() const datePost = new Date(d) const dateDiff = dateNow.getTime() - datePost.getTime() const minute = 1000 * 60 const hour = minute * 60 const day = hour * 24 const month = day * 30 let result if (more) { const monthCount = dateDiff / month const dayCount = dateDiff / day const hourCount = dateDiff / hour const minuteCount = dateDiff / minute if (monthCount > 12) { // result = datePost.toLocaleDateString().replace(/\//g, '-') result = datePost.toLocaleDateString() } else if (dayCount >= 7) { // } else if (monthCount >= 1) { result = datePost.toLocaleDateString().substr(5) // result = parseInt(monthCount) + ' ' + GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.month } else if (dayCount >= 1) { result = parseInt(dayCount) + '' + } else if (hourCount >= 1) { // result = '最近' result = parseInt(hourCount) + ' ' + GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.hour } else if (minuteCount >= 1) { // result = '最近' result = parseInt(minuteCount) + ' ' + GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.min } else { result = GLOBAL_CONFIG.date_suffix.just } } else { result = parseInt(dateDiff / day) } return result }, loadComment: (dom, callback) => { if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) { const observerItem = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { callback() observerItem.disconnect() } }, { threshold: [0] }) observerItem.observe(dom) } else { callback() } }, scrollToDest: (e, t) => { if (e < 0 || t < 0) return; const n = window.scrollY || window.screenTop; if (e -= 70, "CSS" in window && CSS.supports("scroll-behavior", "smooth")) return void window.scrollTo({ top: e, behavior: "smooth" }); let o = null; t = t || 500, window.requestAnimationFrame((function i(s) { if (o = o || s, n < e) { const r = s - o; window.scrollTo(0, (e - n) * r / t + n), r < t ? window.requestAnimationFrame(i) : window.scrollTo(0, e) } else { const r = s - o; window.scrollTo(0, n - (n - e) * r / t), r < t ? window.requestAnimationFrame(i) : window.scrollTo(0, e) } })) }, fadeIn: (ele, time) => { = `display:block;animation: to_show ${time}s` }, fadeOut: (ele, time) => { ele.addEventListener('animationend', function f() { = "display: none; animation: '' " ele.removeEventListener('animationend', f) }) = `to_hide ${time}s` }, getParents: (elem, selector) => { for (; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode) { if (elem.matches(selector)) return elem } return null }, siblings: (ele, selector) => { return [...ele.parentNode.children].filter((child) => { if (selector) { return child !== ele && child.matches(selector) } return child !== ele }) }, /** * * @param {*} selector * @param {*} eleType the type of create element * @param {*} id id * @param {*} cn class name */ wrap: function(selector, eleType, id = '', cn = '') { const creatEle = document.createElement(eleType) if (id) = id if (cn) creatEle.className = cn selector.parentNode.insertBefore(creatEle, selector) creatEle.appendChild(selector) }, unwrap: function(el) { const elParentNode = el.parentNode if (elParentNode !== document.body) { elParentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(el, elParentNode) elParentNode.parentNode.removeChild(elParentNode) } }, isJqueryLoad: (fn) => { if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { getScript(GLOBAL_CONFIG.source.jQuery).then(fn) } else { fn() } }, isHidden: (ele) => ele.offsetHeight === 0 && ele.offsetWidth === 0, getEleTop: (ele) => { let actualTop = ele.offsetTop let current = ele.offsetParent while (current !== null) { actualTop += current.offsetTop current = current.offsetParent } return actualTop }, //过滤标签 changeContent: (content, length = null) => { if (content === '') return content content = content.replace(/]+>/ig, '[图片]') // replace image link content = content.replace(/]+?href=["']?([^"']+)["']?[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/gi, '[链接]') // replace url content = content.replace(/
.*?<\/pre>/gi, '[代码]') // replace code
		content = content.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "") // remove html tag

		if (length != null) {
			if (content.length > length) {
				content = content.substring(0, length) + '...'

		return content
