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"#" : "") + String("000000" + (g | (b << 8) | (r << 16)).toString(16)).slice(-6); } //判断是否为亮色 function getContrastYIQ(hexcolor) { var colorrgb = colorRgb(hexcolor); var colors = colorrgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/); var red = colors[1]; var green = colors[2]; var blue = colors[3]; var brightness; brightness = (red * 299) + (green * 587) + (blue * 114); brightness = brightness / 255000; if (brightness >= 0.5) { return "light"; } else { return "dark"; } } window.onload = function () { var copybtnlist = document.getElementsByClassName("copybtn") for (var i = 0; i < copybtnlist.length; i++) { document.getElementsByClassName("copybtn")[i].addEventListener("click", function () { showcopy(); }); } heo.initThemeColor(); } function showcopy() { if (GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar !== undefined) { btf.snackbarShow(GLOBAL_CONFIG.copy.success) } else { const prevEle = ctx.previousElementSibling prevEle.innerText = GLOBAL_CONFIG.copy.success = 1 setTimeout(() => { = 0 }, 700) } } // 早上好问好 // 获取时间 var getTimeState = () => { if (GLOBAL_CONFIG.profileStyle == 'default') { // 获取当前时间 var timeNow = new Date(); // 获取当前小时 var hours = timeNow.getHours(); // 设置默认文字 var text = ``; // 判断当前时间段 if (hours >= 0 && hours <= 5) { text = `晚安`; } else if (hours > 5 && hours <= 10) { text = `早上好`; } else if (hours > 10 && hours <= 14) { text = `中午好`; } else if (hours > 14 && hours <= 18) { text = `下午好`; } else if (hours > 18 && hours <= 24) { text = `晚上好`; } // 返回当前时间段对应的状态 return text; } if (GLOBAL_CONFIG.profileStyle == 'one') { var e = (new Date).getHours() , t = ""; return e >= 0 && e <= 5 ? t = "睡个好觉,保证精力充沛" : e > 5 && e <= 10 ? t = "一日之计在于晨" : e > 10 && e <= 14 ? t = "吃饱了才有力气干活" : e > 14 && e <= 18 ? t = "集中精力,攻克难关" : e > 18 && e <= 24 && (t = "不要太劳累了,早睡更健康"), t } }, //深色模式切换 switchDarkMode = () => { "dark" === document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-theme") ? 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input.dispatchEvent(evt); heo.scrollTo("#post-comment"); input.focus(); input.setSelectionRange(-1, -1); } //从一个给定的数组arr中,随机返回num个不重复项 function getArrayItems(arr, num) { //新建一个数组,将传入的数组复制过来,用于运算,而不要直接操作传入的数组; var temp_array = new Array(); for (var index in arr) { temp_array.push(arr[index]); } //取出的数值项,保存在此数组 var return_array = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { //判断如果数组还有可以取出的元素,以防下标越界 if (temp_array.length > 0) { //在数组中产生一个随机索引 var arrIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * temp_array.length); //将此随机索引的对应的数组元素值复制出来 return_array[i] = temp_array[arrIndex]; //然后删掉此索引的数组元素,这时候temp_array变为新的数组 temp_array.splice(arrIndex, 1); } else { //数组中数据项取完后,退出循环,比如数组本来只有10项,但要求取出20项. break; } } return return_array; } //评论增加放大功能 function owoBig() { new MutationObserver((e => { for (let t of e) if ("childList" === t.type) for (let e of t.addedNodes) if (e.classList && e.classList.contains("OwO-body")) { let t = e , o = "" , n = !0 , a = document.createElement("div"); = "owo-big", document.querySelector("body").appendChild(a), t.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e => e.preventDefault())), t.addEventListener("mouseover", (e => { "LI" === && n && (n = !1, o = setTimeout((() => { let t = 3 * , o = e.x - e.offsetX - (t - / 2 , n = e.y - e.offsetY; 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